COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the lives of all New Yorkers. Senior and vulnerable New Yorkers have been particularly hard hit by both the pandemic itself and the unconscionable scams and fraud that have sought to capitalize on the health crisis. The rise of these scams and fraud is consistent with past experience: elder financial abuse is historically the most common form of senior abuse in the City and throughout the country. Across the City, fraudulent businesses that falsely claim to sell products or services to prevent or treat coronavirus or provide at- home testing perniciously target vulnerable seniors. These scams can rob people of their life insurance, stimulus checks, and savings. Older adults, especially those experiencing cognitive decline or isolation from family members due to social distancing, are often the most impacted victims. Our most vulnerable community members require particular support and protection in this dangerous time.
To deal with COVID-19-related fraud, Lucy will:
Create a multi-disciplinary task force to protect seniors. The task force will coordinate between existing DA’s Office bureaus and include prosecutors from the Elder Abuse Unit, Financial Frauds Bureau, and Special Victims Bureau. These attorneys will handle crimes specifically related to COVID-19 fraud in order to protect vulnerable populations from exploitation during this public health crisis.
Collaborate with outside groups on early intervention. The DA’s multi-disciplinary team will work proactively with outside groups, including financial institutions, the Department for the Aging, Adult Protective Services, law enforcement, and caregiver organizations to identify the “red flags” of these scams and shut them down as quickly as possible.
Hold people accountable for these crimes even after the pandemic has passed. New York will bounce back stronger than ever from the pandemic and Lucy will ensure that senior and other particularly vulnerable New Yorkers are not left behind. Lucy will continue to investigate scams and fraud perpetrated during the pandemic and beyond for as long as the statute of limitations allows, and she will hold accountable anyone who endeavors to leverage the devastation of COVID-19 for personal gain.
Investigate nursing homes that fail to meet public health requirements. Given the increased risk of COVID-19 in congregant living environments and the disproportionate number of preventable deaths in nursing homes, the government has a duty to make sure that residents are not put needlessly at risk. In addition to advocating for increased oversight of the nursing home industry, Lucy will work to make sure that government support to the long-term care industry is directed towards the health of residents rather than personal profit. To that end, Lucy will investigate and, where appropriate, prosecute nursing homes for financial fraud, kickbacks, or fraudulent assurances of compliance with COVID-19 regulations designed to save lives.