Lucy is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards, including treating all people charged with a crime equally, regardless of their means or how prestigious or powerful their lawyer is. Confidence in the fairness of the system is compromised when there is even the appearance of favoritism, unfair influence, or backroom deals. Under Lucy’s leadership every lawyer involved in cases and investigations handled by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office will have equal access to the District Attorney and her senior staff. Campaign contributions, personal relationships, and the political clout of a particular defense lawyer will play no role in the process of determining access.
To ensure equitable access to the District Attorney and Office staff, Lucy will:
Codify process for defense access to Office leadership to be applied consistently to all attorneys whether public or private and regardless of existing relationships.
Prohibit defense lawyers from directly contacting the District Attorney or her senior staff on any matter, except in writing.
Ensure all discussions and meetings begin with and include the career ADA assigned to the case, especially when those meetings or discussions include other members of the Office. Bureau leadership and the assigned ADA will be required to attend any meeting between the defense and the District Attorney or her senior staff.