In New York, up to a billion dollars of hard-earned wages are stolen from workers by employers every year. Common schemes include failing to pay overtime, classifying employees as independent contractors, stealing tips, and withholding pay generally. Other fraud and safety violations put workers at risk and cause unacceptable injury and even death. Sadly, the vast majority of exploited workers ultimately receive no services or support despite sustained personal and financial losses as a result of the crimes against them. People of color, young people, women, immigrant workers and low-wage-workers are hardest hit.
To hold employers accountable and fight for victimized workers, Lucy will:
Create a worker protection unit that thoroughly investigates all allegations of employers who steal from workers or otherwise engage in criminal conduct that harms workers. By thoroughly investigating all allegations, Lucy will help ensure that workers benefit from the laws designed to protect them.
Protect victims of labor crimes by implementing safeguards to ensure they will feel comfortable reporting these crimes, regardless of their immigration status.
Provide wraparound services to victims through a trauma-informed, clinically staffed Witness Services Unit. Among other things, the Witness Services Unit will assist victims with accessing government programs, obtaining referrals to neighborhood services, and securing counseling.
Partner with unions, workers groups, OSHA and New York agencies to ensure that employers are held accountable for the economic and other harms they cause their workers. Crimes will not be treated differently because they occur at work, even if the employer is a powerful person or corporation.
Establish a hotline for workers that will make it far easier for frontline workers to report abuses, including by providing extra hotline staffing during non-peak hours.
Advocate for the rights of gig workers and other under-protected workers to ensure that all workers are protected and treated with the dignity and equity they deserve. Lucy stands in support of workers fighting — for a living wage, for workplace protections, for unemployment benefits, and for recognition as employees.